Sunday, July 19, 2009

Why the title

I feel I should clear up the title of this blog. So "beans", we won't really be talking about where to find coffee in London, unless I drag ol' Firefly into this as a guest reviewer. He's a coffee drinker and can help you coffee drinkers out. I hear Monmouth is good for coffee, there is one on Monmouth Street and one in Borough market.

Just so you know, despite being mostly from the US, I do not actually enjoy coffee all that much. I'm a tea fanatic though, drink it all day long. I'm not all that particular about my tea, I like black tea with milk, turkish tea with sugar no milk, green tea plain, oolong plain and I guess those are my favorites. I'm not a huge fan of the fruit-flavored teas or herbal teas, but if I'm sick I'll drink a lot of ginger and lemon with honey that I make from scratch. I've tried rooibos, but would probably only develop a taste for it if I lived somewhere where I was offered it often. I cannot turn down an offer of tea. I love the ritual of offering a cuppa to a visitor and taking the time to chat over a cup.

If all you have is coffee I will say yes, because that's part of the ritual. I'll just have a hard come-down 4 hours later. And yeah, a good cup of coffee is preferable to a wretched cup of tea. I've had some awful teas served to me in England, mostly in train stations, but it has only happened a couple of times.

But really, in addition to tea, I love beans. The photo for the header has 8 different cans of beans that I found in my cupboard the day I decided to start this blog. So this is my general bean-stash. I'm not a vegetarian, I just like beans.

But I also don't know beans about London, since I'm so new here. So this blog will also be exploring my ideas for fun things to do around town. Plus some recipes, which may include beans. Wow, I bet you're really excited now!

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