Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Polish Food: Yum!

I went to Poland for a friend's wedding this weekend. I've come back a total convert to Polish food. I went over thinking that it would be like Czech food, tasty, but heavy and not very appropriate for a hot summer. But oh no, I tried many lovely dishes that were light and tasty. No worries about getting your daily fiber intake either. There is often both a cabbage dish and a beet dish usually in salad and or soup form. Ok, I admit I might be weird for getting excited when I see cabbage and beet dishes on menus, but they are very accessible dishes.

Coleslaw? Yep, they have it in spades, often without mayo, instead in a vinaigrette. I had a soup with sauerkraut in it, and it was not weird. The beet soups I had varied greatly. First there was a borscht which was very chunky and creamy, served cool. It was perfect for the hot weather. Another was a beet broth with some small meat ravioli in the broth. Great stuff. Really worth trying if you have a chance.

Sure, order the pierogi or potato pancakes, but why not have a salad or soup on the side?

And then there's the roasted pork knuckle, Golonka, that we had for lunch one day. It's gargantuan, but wow, if you ever get a chance to have one, they're very tender and covered in crunchy skin. But the price on the menu is per 100g, but they'll be bringing you the whole knuckle, which can weigh up to a kilo. It's still totally worth it though. Just maybe split it with your friends.

And as far as beans, I didn't see them on any of the menus I saw. And I hear that if you're a vegetarian, many of the soups are made with meat broth and there is often bacon hiding in the vegetables.

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