Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Eighties music isn't dead

I'm in a contemplative mood today. Some of my friends are going through very difficult times and I wish I could do more to help them. Unfortunately I'm half a world away and skype still cannot deliver a proper hug. For me, music is incredibly powerful. It so easily toys with my emotions or enhances them if they sync up. I'm currently listening to the soundtrack from The Mission, a movie from the 80's, which always makes me sad but the end is redemptive, so I'm hoping that I will feel a bit better at the end of it.

The Falls used to stop me in my tracks when I heard it in the halls of my dormitory. The guy across the hall used to play the soundtrack often. Don't know what that says about his mental state, but Caltech will do that to you.

However, pop music from the 80's usually makes me happy and bouncy. I've recently discovered a song that could be an 80's song, except it was made a few years ago. So yay for the 80's pop scene living on in Nightmare of You.

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